News & Opinion Blog

Students on Fashion

Fashion is a sense of luxury which makes you feel a certain type of way depending on what you wear. When we wear noticeable/fancy clothes, we generally feel good, gain a boost of confidence, and receive attention/compliments. At Roosevelt University, known for social justice, three students shared how they feel when wearing noticeable or nice clothing and what they would wear if societies fashion standards loosened up and changed, would they still feel the same wearing their “nice” clothes, will they wear them at all? Or will they choose what they want to wear since society won’t have any standards in fashion. Courtney LaPorta age 26, said “I personally don’t wear noticeable clothing, but even if standards in fashion change I will still wear nice dresses for a wedding and what not, but I would wear comfortable clothes and not just go for what is the nicest because not all nice clothing is comfortable”, she enthusiastically then says, “ I dress for myself most of the time and know what I’m am comfortable and confident in.
Eric Kron 22, Roosevelt Student
Courtney LaPorta 26, Roosevelt Student
With standards for fashion changing at a rapid pace, we see more and more people in society become more inclusive in the trends, Courtney does not go with the crowd and would rather be comfortable in clothes she likes but when it comes to special occasions such as wedding she agrees with society that people should dress appropriately to the dress code. Another student at Roosevelt University, Eric Kron, 23, says, “ I dress for myself all the time, but sometimes when I’m going out I do get social anxiety and shift through my clothes because I cant decide what will look good…I guess that might be because of societies pressures or standards”.
While Eric did seem to say he dresses for himself, he also is pressured when going out with friends to wear fashionable clothing. Vincent Long, 22, has a slightly different opinion than the other two, Vincent is very fashion forward and likes to feel good in nice clothing and even if society’s fashion standards changed, he would still wear noticeable/ nice clothing. “I like fashion and trendy clothes, but they have to appeal to my eye, not everything in fashion is appealing to me but I am open to various styles of clothing”. Fashion is a very opinionated trend , and usually when enough people agree something is “fashionable” then it becomes acceptable in society, if this taboo were to be taken away then maybe social anxiety might decrease, but who is to say what is noticeable clothing or not.